Natural World Fund is here to make it easier for you to actually make a difference

We are in the midst of a biodiversity crisis

From our birds to our reptiles; from our mammals to our insects – our wildlife is in serious trouble.

According to research published by the Natural History Museum, the UK is in the lowest 12 out of 240 global countries and territories for biodiversity intactness. England fares even worse, ranking in the bottom 7!

Countless species are declining, endangered, or on the brink of extinction, and the alarming trends are not stopping.

  • 80% of our butterflies have declined since the 1970s.
  • Flying insects have declined 60% in just 20 years.
  • 70 of our bird species are at serious risk.
  • 70% of our small mammals have declined since the 1970s.
  • 33% of our amphibians and reptiles are threatened.

The most frustrating thing is it is all so fixable. We have lost 75% of our forests, 90% of our wetlands, and 97% of our wild meadows, so it is no wonder our wildlife is in such a dire situation.

If nature doesn’t have a home, how can we expect it to survive? And that’s where Natural World Fund comes in.

Natural World Fund is a community rewilding project that is focussed on rewilding the UK to protect our animals.

By restoring degraded land to forests, meadows, or wetlands, you are having a massive impact on biodiversity in the local area. You give animals a home and food that they otherwise would not have had, and this can have an enormous positive snowball effect for the food web.

Individually we can sometimes feel powerless – but together we can make a real difference.

Let’s do something really great together – join the community at Natural World Fund today!


Meet The Team

Marketing Manager

Sandeep Design Lead

Design Lead