Our Projects

The Yorkshire Mill

The Yorkshire Mill

We have the chance to purchase an incredible 70-acre plot in Yorkshire with enormous potential for wildlife.

Historical intensive farming practices have led to the loss of great ecological value for the site. The land has few trees, hedges, and wildflowers, with much of the soil degraded.

Through tree, hedgerow, and wildflower planting, combined with wetland restoration, there is ample scope to create a wonderful local ecosystem where our wildlife can thrive. Where there is good quality soil, we can apply agroecology principles in a sustainable farming model that works with nature.

With the restoration of the local beck we can develop a more natural, self-sustainable watercourse that provides improved fish spawning opportunities and increased wildlife benefits; and the derelict buildings on the site can offer an exciting community educational resource powered by green hydroelectricity.

Goit Stock Wood

We have the amazing opportunity to purchase a very well known and loved West Yorkshire landmark that is Goit Stock Wood. The wood lies in largely unspoilt, rolling countryside and contains the impressive and much-visited Goit Stock Waterfall.

The woodland extends for approximately 69.8 acres, including attractive deciduous woodland which has become a haven for wildlife, and the Hallas and Harden becks which are home to trout and grayling. It has been recognised as an area of ecological and geological importance by Bradford Council.

Our aim is to bring the Goit Stock Wood back into active management, with a focus being on providing the very best habitat for all of the plants and animal species, while protecting this ancient woodland for future generations. 

We will expand the biodiversity through careful and well-informed research and actions. We will encourage volunteers to help us with these activities and will open the wood to schools and community groups for educational purposes. We will also manage the wood in such a way that it helps prevent downstream flooding of the Hallas and Harden Becks using sustainable flood management techniques, such as leaky dams and natural overspill areas.

Severus Hill

Save Severus Hill

This 4-acre site is a former reservoir in York that has become overgrown with trees, shrub, and grassland and is now designated as a Site of Importance to Nature Conservation.

In 2017, a bid to build 43 houses on this site was refused, however further bids to develop the area are anticipated. Local residents sent 150 letters to object to this previous attempt and they continue to worry about its potential sale and development.

Our aim is to purchase this plot in order to protect it from potential development, while helping it thrive as a haven for nature. Then, if not harmful to wildlife, we would like to create access for locals to enjoy the area.

A wealth of animals have been spotted on this site, including foxes, hedgehogs, voles, tawny owls, woodpeckers, waxwings, and sparrowhawks. Any development would cause very substantial harm to local biodiversity and we believe that it is imperative that we safeguard this land.

Meet The Team

Ed Jackson


Glenn Howes


Cheyenne Salcedo

Marketing Manager

Mark Shipperlee

Mark Shipperlee

Permaculture Specialist & UK Woodland Ambassador

Richard Wilson

Richard Wilson

Environment & Land Use Specialist

John T Law

John T Law

Environmental Specialist