high brown fritillary


Devon Wildlife Trust is launching the Devon Fritillary Recovery Project this winter, a two-year initiative aimed at conserving four of Devon’s rarest butterfly species: the high brown, pearl-bordered, small pearl-bordered, and marsh fritillary.

The project addresses the drastic decline in butterfly numbers resulting from farming changes, habitat loss, and climate change.

The high brown fritillary, in particular, has experienced a staggering 96% decrease, making it one of the UK’s most endangered species.

Staff and volunteers will focus on 12 nature reserves, managing scrub and gorse levels to create favourable habitats for butterfly populations.

Project officer Jenny Cawson said: “Devon Wildlife Trust’s nature reserves offer some of the last homes to our struggling butterflies so it’s vital that we work hard to keep them in good condition.

“The launch of our Devon Fritillary Recovery Project signals the start of a huge effort to not only stabilise the populations of these rare species but to restore their numbers.

“The work we’ll be able to do during this project will leave a positive legacy which will last for years to come.”

Supported by Natural England’s Species Recovery Programme Capital Grant Scheme, the project aims to reduce extinction risks and promote the recovery of these threatened species.



At Natural World Fund, we are passionate about stopping the decline in our wildlife.

The decline in our wildlife is shocking and frightening. Without much more support, many of the animals we know and love will continue in their decline towards extinction.

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We are convinced that this is much better for the UK than growing lots of fast-growing coniferous trees, solely to remove carbon, that don’t actually help our animals to thrive.

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